
Compassion, Connect, Kindness

Who we are

The Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention and Awareness Network (SSPAN) is a network of representatives from the community, government and non-government organisations. We work closely with the Shoalhaven community to raise awareness of suicide; promote recovery from mental illness; and build individual and community resilience; with the aim of reducing the impact of suicide in the Shoalhaven.

What we do

SSPAN’s success in being able to support such a diverse range of suicide prevention activities is effective because of the network’s ability to develop strategies in line with the needs of the community and the aims of government and non-government services.

These strategies are only possible through SSPAN’s close working relationship with the community, service agencies and local businesses that provide both financial and ‘in-kind’ support. Without such support many of these programs would not be feasible.

We meet the first Thursday of every month at the MIND the GaP building on the UOW Shoalhaven Campus.

How can you help?

It would be great if you would consider getting involved and making a difference in suicide prevention. You could help us in one of the following ways:


We receive no government funding, so a donation no matter how small is very welcome. You can do that by clicking on the Donate to SSPAN button at the top of the page or on FaceBook page through Everyday Hero


Join us at our monthly meetings, first Thursday morning of every month at UOW Shoalhaven Campus, make some new friends and learn about how you can make a difference in suicide prevention

Spread the Word

Hold a coffee morning or mufti day, or golf comp where some of the proceeds go to SSPAN. And remember it’s about awareness as well as fund raising

Share your Expertise or Experience

Perhaps you can give some in-kind support: a few hours of graphic design work, being a judge for the Young Writers Award, writing a media release…

Give the Gift of Your Time

Maybe you can help us out in one of our events eg the annual Memorial, the Trivia Night, the G’Day Mate BBQ, handing out information at community events…

Perform a Random Act of Kindness

Lots of ways you can connect with people: share a smile, check in on a friend, treat someone to a cuppa, ask the person who’s serving you how their day is going. Or download and print off one of our Connecting Cards to drop in a neighbour’s post box.

Purchase a membership for The Entertainment (Book) App

As well as great discounts on meals out, both in Nowra and elsewhere, there are special deals on a range of products and services, perfect for Christmas giving and 20% of the proceeds on all memberships sold come to SSPAN.
You can order these here.


Just email us at info@sspan.org.au if you would like more information about any of these.

Our Achievements

Distributed more than 30,000 Blue Cards

The aim of the Blue Card is to assist and encourage young people to seek help during times of need. Since 2017, more than 30,000 Blue Cards have been provided FREE thanks to the previous partnership with the Rotary Club of Nowra.

Received 63 entries since 2016 in the Young Writers Award

Talented young writers and artists from our local high schools have contributed stories, poems or cover designs to the competition and have had their work published in the annual YWA Anthology. Many more students have had their artwork used to illustrate the Anthologies.

Increased awareness around suicide

Thanks to Think Tank Business Services we have increased our presence on Facebook to educate our community about suicide.

We trained nearly 500 people in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) 

That includes 173 in Youth MHFA; 263 in Standard MHFA; and 60 in MHFA for the Suicidal Person.

Provided a Safe Journey Home

for patients leaving a mental health facility – expended more than $8,000 annually on patient transport. We know that people leaving mental health facilities are vulnerable, and see this project as vital in supporting their safety.

$10,000 raised at the 2019 annual SSPAN Trivia Night

Another wonderful event held at the Bomaderry Bowling Club. Thank you to the organising committee for their incredible efforts and for securing some amazing items for raffle and silent auction to boost the fundraising! Unfortunately due to COVID 19 the 2020 Trivia Night has been postponed

Make a difference

Get training on how to help someone going through a mental health crisis.